Bootcamp Background
In 2014, two occupational therapy thesis students , Danielle Ozment and Rebecca Case wanted to pursue their research studies in teens with ASD while also gaining skills working with older adults in an ongoing research study. Since Dr. Anne Dickerson had done some occasional research with this population and had personal interest due to working with her own son, she began exploring some options and the idea for the Driving and Community Mobility Bootcamp for Teens and Young Adults with ASD was born.
While the Bootcamps of 2015 and 2016 were every successful, the successive camps of 2018 and later are thoroughly planned and well designed with established policies and procedures ensuring the Bootcamp’s participants gain knowledge and demonstrated improved skills and abilities in both community mobility and driving.







Early Spring: Between 4 and 6 occupational therapy students are recruited to participant in the Bootcamp as part of their occupational therapy educational experience, specifically developing skills in scholarly activities
- Later Spring: The students are oriented to the overall structure of the Bootcamp. They learn which evaluations will be used and practice how to give the evaluations. After competency is achieved in the evaluations, each student is given an intervention and much prepare for implementing the activities during the camp.
- May & June: Participants are encouraged to apply for the Bootcamp and will be scheduled for a 2-3 hour evaluation. The students do most of the assessments, getting to know the participants and helping in the determination if the participant is appropriate for the Bootcamp as well determining that participant’s individual goals.
- July: Final preparations for the Bootcamp are planned and scheduled.
- Dates of the bootcamp are the last Thursday and Friday in ECU’s summer schedule (usually the last week in July) and the next three days of the next week for a 5 day Bootcamp.