
This experience has been so much more than driving. The relationships formed, the confidence built, and the excitement as she works toward getting her permit and license are priceless.


Participant Testimonials

The Driving and Community Mobility Bootcamp for teens and young adults with high-functioning autism spectrum disorder is a week of diverse interactive strategies to facilitate the learning of both independent driving and community mobility.  Please visit the Activities section to learn more about the different strategies.

In this section, participants from past Bootcamps have answered questions about their experience:

What have you enjoyed most about the Bootcamp?

“I enjoyed where we practiced a lot on the simulator, practicing what objects to respond to (Hazards), keeping lane, speed in a natural right way”

“I enjoyed being in the company of friends the most. I also enjoyed the simulator and the Vision-Coach.”

“The boot camp is really great for meeting new friends!”

What has been the best outcome of participating in the Bootcamp?

“I now know what to expect if I take a public bus. I feel like I learned a lot about driving from this camp and what to expect/not expect.”

“Having more experience and knowledge of driving and having less anxiety when thinking about driving.”
“Knowing what to do in the event of being pulled over by an officer and how to properly adjust my car seat.”


Which skills have improved as a result of the Bootcamp?

“My skills have improved b/c now I know which controls to use in certain situations and how to turn the steering wheel to avoid hazards (braking at right time and figuring out how much pressure to put on the pedals).”

“Map reading, driving, police interaction, recognizing the rules of the road”

“I learned how bus rides are and how they operate on a schedule. They come at different times. You can find the schedules online for your local area. The seats are different than regular school buses. There is a line that someone can pull if they want to get off, although you don’t have to yank it.”

“It was a really good experience learning about driving. Learning how to use a map was very helpful and is an underrated skill that people generally neglect.”


Parent Testimonials

Parents want the same independence and well-being for their children and have found the Bootcamp beneficial in providing learning opportunities both for driving and community mobility.

This parent reflected on her daughter’s practice planning a trip and overall experience in bootcamp:

“I got the most excited text messages about planning her trip to Washington DC. This is one of the places she wants to go, so she has it all planned out for us to take the train and visit multiple attractions. For me the compassion and excitement of Dr. Dickerson and her students before and during the Bootcamp was unparalleled. I cried a few happy tears each day because of something my daughter learned each day that I had not considered she would need to successfully navigate her world. This experience has been so much more than driving. The relationships formed, the confidence built, and the excitement as she works toward getting her permit and license are priceless.”

What was the best outcome for your child as a result of the Bootcamp?

“He made some friends with people with the same issues as him. He has been very talkative about his experience and he usually is not like that. Two thumbs up for the director and staff”

“Her confidence in anticipating hazards/unexpected issues with driving has improved. Also, she really feels great about planning running errands/trips”

“More confidence, not only regarding driving, but in his ability to succeed in life.”

What did your son/daughter enjoy most about the Bootcamp?

“Driving simulator and activities, visit from police department”

“Meeting with the police officers. He seemed to really enjoy talking with them.”

“The simulator and the bus ride. Making friends and being part of a group where she felt accepted.”


Student Testimonials